
Cleanroom Monitoring

Cleanroom environmental monitoring and access door control system using Prodigy SCADA software.

The requirement was for a system to monitor temperature, relative humidity and pressure across 15 areas within a cleanroom facility and supervise access control interlocking of 17 doors that interconnect rooms within the facility.

The system uses an industrial PC running Prodigy software. Compact radio telemetry data logging modules send temperature, relative humidity and pressure to a base radio station connected to the PC, which continuously records the data.


Key Benefits


Cleanroom Monitoring


  • Radio telemetry enables installation without disturbance
  • View real time conditions
  • Automated door sequence control secures the cleanroom environment
  • Provides verifiable data for audits
  • Capable of compliance to FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and equivalent standards.

An operator screen provides an overview display of the cleanroom with colour coded temperature, humidity and pressure indicators showing normal and alarm states. Clicking on the overview switches to a detailed display of the chosen area that shows current measurements, a real time and historic trend of that areas data and allows local alarm settings to be changed.

Cleanroom Door Interlocking

The system also handles the complex sequence of cleanroom door interlocks required. Several of the cleanroom doors are required to remain closed if one or more doors are open or if they have been closed for less than a pre-set time period.

The system ensures that the door interlock sequence combinations are met otherwise triggering an alarm if any door is opened when it should not be. Door status is recorded for display on trend graphs for analysis as required.

If you have a cleanroom monitoring application and would like more information please contact us.